MECHANICAL ROOM AMALGAM SEPARATORS NXT Hg5 mini Amalgam Separator NXT Hg5 Amalgam Separator NXT Hg5 High Volume Amalgam Separator Solmetex Hg5 Series of Amalgam Separators Our Amalgam Separators are clear by design, ISO 11143 certifi ed, available in 3 sizes, functional with both wet and dry vacuum systems, and include Certifi cates of Compliance online 24/7 at No contracts. Made in the USA. NXT Hg5 mini Amalgam Separator * Suitable for 1-4 operatories * Simple mail-back recycling program included in the cost of the collection container * Designed to fi t tight spaces NXT Hg5 Amalgam Separator * Suitable for 1-10 operatories * Simple mail-back recycling program included in the cost of the collection container * " Clear by Design " for easy visual inspection NXT Hg5 High Volume Amalgam Separator * Suitable for 11-20 operatories * Fits most large practice/clinic applications * Custom installation support available Contact Your Local Henry Schein Consultant or Specialist For More Information. 127