What's New What's New VACUUM SYSTEMS/AIR COMPRESSORS ADS EOS Extraoral Dental Suction System Before use During treatment, high volume of Droplets and Aerosols produced by highspeed handpieces and ultrasonic scalers, putting the surgery and practioners in high risk of infection. After use ADS Extraoral Dental Suction System removes the Droplets and Aerosols effectively, highly reduce the infection risk, keep clean air for the surgery. For more information on ADS, visit https://henryscheindigital.com/ads-extraoral-suction Vaniman Vanguard Gold Mobile Vaniman has been trusted in the dental industry for over 30 years. Our Vanguard Gold Mobile is an extraoral dental suction unit designed to safely capture chairside aerosols. Helps protect your operatory from airborne contaminants. Our Made in the USA dental aerosol vacuum is extremely quiet and uses a high suction turbine motor. This dental aerosol vacuum is compact and uses a flexible suction tubing that can be adjusted and positioned for optimal location near the patient. We offer full tech support for our products and proudly manufacture this unit in our Southern California facility. This extra oral suction system is superior to competitors, providing 3X the suction at nearly half the price with quality American manufacturing. It's quiet (53dB on high) and utilizes a powerful HEPA filter which safely captures microbes such as viruses and other contaminants within biological aerosols. For more information on Vanguard Gold Mobile, visit https://henryscheindigital.com/vanguard-gold-mobile 22 20BC1235_p020-028.indd 22 www.henryscheindental.com/equipment 7/29/20 3:53 PMhttps://www.henryscheindigital.com/ads-extraoral-suction https://www.henryscheindigital.com/vanguard-gold-mobile http://www.henryscheindental.com/equipment