Cold Storage HEADER If you wouldn't drink spoiled milk why would you use a spoiled vaccine? By investing in the correct cold storage unit and monitors you can maximize profits and ensure minimal loss when it comes to keeping those vaccines in proper storage. Cold Storage Best Practices Refrigerated Vaccines (Farenheit) 25°- 36° Too cold take action! 36°- 46° Within Range! 46°- 50° Too warm take action! * Do make sure the refrigerator door is closed! * Do replace crisper bins with water bottles to help maintain consistent temperature * Do label water bottles " Do Not Drink " Frozen Vaccines (Farenheit) -70°-55° Too cold take action! 20MS5888 -55°-30° Within Range! -5°-15° Too warm take action! * Do leave 2 to 3 inches between vaccine containers and refrigerator walls * Do post " Do Not Unplug " signs on .refrigerator and near electrical outlet 25