IMPROVING PATIENTS' HEALTH WELLNESS with i h equipme equipment i from HENRY SCHEIN! Whether you are upgrading a stethoscope or considering a major capital purchase, rely on Henry Schein for the most reliable medical equipment in the industry. We offer well-known brands, in our own private-label medical equipment - as well as medical equipment supplies available exclusively through Henry Schein. Wh Choose Henry Schein Medical Equipment? Why Our goal is to offer you the best in-class medical Ou equ equipment. We carry equipment designed by reputable manufacturers like 3M, BD, GE, Sie Siemens & Welch Allyn®. The right equipment can bring significant benefits to your practice. You will increase the number of treatment options you can offer your patients while your practice achieves increased revenues and greater patient satisfaction. Have you heard of Henry Schein's Medical Equipment Leasing and Financing Program? To help you, we have set up a program ideally suited for those in the initial process of starting up their practice or looking to upgrade. 88products I technology I services I solutions 20MS1707