Zero-Drawback The Contamination Prevention Standard MORITA's TwinPower Turbine with Zero-Drawback and anti-retraction. Top tier brand with anti-retraction and drawback reduction technology. Reduction is not enough. Zero-Drawback Patented technology. Only MORITA TwinPower Turbines are equipped with patented anti-drawback diffusers which completely eliminate the drawback of contaminants into the air lines. Anti-Retraction All MORITA couplings and fixed connections are fitted with antiretraction valves which prevent contaminants from entering the water lines. See next page for complete ordering information. ALL Morita TwinPower Turbines are equipped with Zero-Drawback technology. The images above have been modified for presentation purposes. The internal tubing images are photographs and have not been changed to keep the representation as accurate as possible. For more information: " Ozawa T, Nakano M, Arai T. In vitro study of anti-suck-back ability by themselves on new high-speed air turbine handpieces. Dent Mater J. 2010;29(6):649-654. Doi:10,4012/dmj.2010-008. " Quick-Stop Stopping quickly contributes to reducing drawback while improving patient safety and handpiece durability. All MORITA TwinPower Turbines stop in under 2 seconds. Visit to find out more about the Calendar of Caring Programs. Thank you for helping us raise more than $2.8 million to help health happen! 32 USE PROMO CODE KNB WHEN ORDERING Doing Well by Doing Good G was Modified above © 2023 Henry Schein, Inc. Not responsible for typographical errors. To order, visit: L-1688-0522