What OSAP Can Do FOR YOU THE SAFEST DENTAL VISITTM OSAP's mission is to be the leading provider of infection prevention and control education, training and credentialing that supports safe dental visits. Help us make every visit a safe dental visit by taking the pledge. THE SAFEST DENTAL VISITâ„¢ PLEDGE I PLEDGE TO: * Comply with current CDC guidelines * Have a designated, trained Infection Control Coordinator * Foster a culture of infection prevention and safety JOIN OSAP TODAY * Stay current on emerging recommendations, regulations, and standards. * Support infection control and patient safety. * Be inspired and motivated for infection control compliance. * Be associated with leaders in infection prevention and safety. * Network and build professional relationships. * Have access to OSAP resources, conferences, and events. OSAP.org/membership USE PROMO CODE DRM WHEN ORDERING 31http://www.OSAP.org/membership