Practice Vision Financial Analysis Estimates and projections to help secure financing " This process would not have come to fruition nearly as quickly or as well had we not gone to Dr. Mark Tholen's office design presentation. That presentation gave us the confidence that it was not only possible but absolutely the right move at the right time. Included in your purchase of the Dental Office Design University course, you can access this valuable, financial-saving resource. The Practice Vision Financial Analysis is your playbook to build a practice that keeps you financially secure. Your Henry Schein Equipment Sales Specialist will perform the analysis that is tailored to your specific goals and needs with data that you provide. From this analysis, you will receive an accurate and detailed cost estimate to create a realistic budget. Now we have twice the space and three times the efficiency! " - Dr. Dirk DeKoch, San Antonio, TX Specific to your practice project Receive detailed estimates of all project costs Prepare a realistic budget for your project The Practice Vision Financial Analysis will answer: 1. What will my dream practice cost? 2. Can I afford my dream practice and be financially safe? 3. What are my financial risks with this project? 4. If I am unable to afford my dream practice, how do I develop a plan to make it achievable? 5. What is the financial impact of my office project on the practice's cashflow? 6. Is the financial impact safe for my future practice? A successful new practice is rooted with a detailed and robust financial plan. Get Started Today! 21GP2511 27