Channels Challenging and unpredictable root canal networks call for versatile obturation solutions. After cleaning and shaping, obtaining a three-dimensional fill to prevent microleakage prior to tooth restoration is critical to case success. The Channels Obturation System, with its advanced core obturators, matches each C-Series file to provide the clinician with the perfect fit. ENDODONTIC PRODUCTS Channels® Obturation System Each Channels obturator is precisely coated with just the right amount of gutta percha, not requiring any pretrimming. They are extremely radiopaque and compatible with most heating ovens. Calibration rings make working length determination easy. See page 326 for a full product listing. Channels® MTA Reparative Cement * Biocompatible MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) root repair material * Effectively seals the canal, reducing microleakage and bacterial migration * Tooth-colored material achieves optimal cosmetic results Channels® MTA Canal Sealer * MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) endodontic sealer with unsurpassed handling and low solubility * Biocompatibility helps tissues heal with little inflammation * Calcium ions help bones and tissue regrow * 15-minute set time reduces chair time * Easy handling and adequate working time provide ideal conditions to complete all steps of endodontic filling * Resealable glass bottles * Easy removal and high radiopacity * Easy to use, even in moist environments See page 332 for a full product listing. See page 332 for a full product listing. Call To Order: 800.372.4346 8:00am-8:30pm (ET) 283