Hand Files INSTRUMENTATION 21MM 25MM 06 378-6751 378-8942 08 378-7812 378-8109 11.79 6 per Box K-Files & Hedstroms * Highly flexible stainless steel instrument resists fractures and can adapt to curved canals. Continuously sharp and cuts efficiently after every use * Plastic, peanut-shaped tactile handle enables a firm grip * Safe-end tip on sizes 06-040 and premounted silicone tip on each file * ISO-coded Hygenic® HyFlex™ X-File® Coltene * Double-fluted instrument design for superior cutting and quick and easy instrumentation * Nickel-titanium for exceptional flexibility protects against ledging, zipping, and strip perforation * Sizes 8-10 are made of stainless steel * No need to precurve in sizes 15 and larger, as they follow the curvature of the canal SIZE 6 Boxes @ 11.99 K-FILES SIZE HEDSTROM FILES 31MM 21MM 25MM 378-3671 378-5257 378-1992 6 Boxes @ 11.29 K-FILES HEDSTROM FILES 21MM 25MM 31MM 21MM 25MM 10 378-0282 378-0990 378-8406 378-7852 378-1729 15 378-5833 378-5100 378-9456 378-4860 378-3393 20 378-1184 378-2806 378-4162 378-2315 25 378-6962 378-5066 378-3521 378-7981 30 378-3226 378-2660 378-3954 378-1701 35 378-2746 378-1457 40 378-4136 378-8895 15-40 378-6416 378-0775 45 378-3471 6 per Box 38.99 6 Boxes @ 37.99 X-FILES 21MM 6 per Box 13.29 6 Boxes @ 12.79 SIZE 6 per Box 21.49 6 Boxes @ 20.49 SIZE ENDODONTIC PRODUCTS 12.49 6 per Box 25MM 21MM 25MM 25MM 378-7129 6 per Box 41.99 6 Boxes @ 40.99 X-FILES X-FILES SIZE K-FILES SIZE 25MM 08 547-5107 547-2171 15 547-3430 547-8951 45 547-0297 10 547-8901 547-8196 20 547-1323 547-4492 50 547-6191 25 547-0271 547-7415 45-80 547-2731 30 547-1141 547-6758 * Each file contains rubber stops 35 547-8126 547-4791 * ISO color-coded handles 40 547-1922 547-0773 15-40 547-8053 547-1641 Call to Order: 800.372.4346 8:00am-8:30pm (ET) 325