Practice Transitions PRACTICE SERVICES PRACTICE SOLUTIONS Practice Services - Practice Transitions PRACTICE TRANSITIONS AND VALUATIONS Let Henry Schein Professional Practice Transitions (Henry Schein PPT) help you sell, buy, value, or transition your dental practice. Transition planning should begin at least 5 to 10 years prior to the time you are ready to transition your practice. Also, you should have a Letter of Instruction and current Practice Valuation at all times. Henry Schein PPT can assist you with all your planning and brokerage needs. * * * * * Practice sales and brokerage Practice valuations Associateships, partnerships, and mergers Transition planning Business structure consulting For more information about Practice Transitions and Valuations, please contact us at: 800.988.5674 or visit Supplies | Equipment | Practice Management Systems | Digital Technology | Technical Service | Practice Services To order, visit: 20DC9349p962-979_Practice Services.indd 979 979 3/12/20 3:40 PM