CURETTES * SCALERS SCALERS/CURETTES PORTFOLIO Every instrument, from its proprietary metal to the uniquely and textured handle design, is created with one purpose-to help you. HARMONY™ ERGONOMIC SCALER * EverEdge™ 2.0 Technology * Reduces Pinch Force up to 65% * Less Pressure Applied to the Tooth * Designed with TrueFit™ EVEREDGE 2.0™ TECHNOLOGY * Sharper out of the Box * Stays sharper longer * Uncoated performance Technology * Extended Silicone Grip * Double Helix Design with Curved Grooves ALL HANDLE OPTIONS EVEREDGE™ 2.0 HANDLE OPTIONS Harmony™ #9 Handle | EverEdge™ 2.0 Technology #9 EverEdge 2.0 #C8 EverEdge 2.0 Resin 8 Colors labial labial IMMUNITY STEEL™ HANDLE OPTIONS palatal MAXILLA palatal MAXILLA #8 ResinEight anterior posterior anterior mesial buccal/lingual distal MANDIBULAR lingual MANDIBULAR #6 Satin Steel lingual labial labial #2 Octagonal Visit ENVIRONDENT.COM to start recycling old or worn instruments. For every 12 recycled, receive 1 new instrument. To order, visit: Curettes/Scalers continued on next page. 747 #7 Satin Steel Colours INSTRUMENTS-HYGIENE