Dental Supplies Dental Supplies and Instruments The list of available dental instruments and supplies is staggering. Choosing which dental supplies and instruments you'll need depends on the procedures you will perform and the services you will provide to achieve your desired oral health outcome. To help you decide, here's a list of a number of procedures common to public health settings. There are many alternatives, variations, and subcategories for the items we're describing. We're sure you will want to include procedures in addition to these, so you'll need different materials than those listed here. Procedures Dental procedures are very dependent on having all of the necessary materials and instruments on hand. The absence of just one item can result in having to delay a procedure and rescheduling your patient. You can however standardize your procedures with one specific product identified for each specific purpose. You don't need to have different products for each doctor and in fact, if you don't standardize your inventory, your costs will likely increase. Your sales representatives can help you identify the best products for your purposes, and place those in your own personal shopping guide in the automated internet ordering system. They can also show you how private label products can increase your savings while still maintaining the quality you need. Let's start our list of procedures with the very first clinical contact your office will have with the patient. 23SM2038 81