RDH STRONG. JOIN THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR DENTAL HYGIENISTS. The global health crisis has affected all of us, and our dental hygiene profession is in the midst of incredible change. ADHA members value the importance of belonging to an association that continues to advocate for dental hygienists at the local, state, and national level. JOIN US NOW TO ENSURE YOU DON'T MISS A BEAT. * Save big on ADHA Annual Conference, Leadership Summit, Certification Courses, and more * Connect with a nationwide network of colleagues as well as your peers at the state and local levels * Enjoy complimentary CE Smart Tracker to easily store and manage all your CE credits in one convenient place * Access an always-expanding catalog of expert CE courses (no charge or reduced cost for members) * Stay connected with the latest updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other agencies about the latest developments for oral health 444 N. MICHIGAN AVE., SUITE 400 | CHICAGO, IL 60611 | 312.440.8900 adha.org/join USE PROMO CODE VPR WHEN ORDERING 9http://www.adha.org/join