X-Ray FujiFilm High Field Open MRI Oasis Velocity built to handle the most challenging patients, with unobstructed viewing angle, no other MRI system captures and retains as broad of a patient demographic as Velocity. FujiFilm 1.5T Wide Bore MRI Echelon Oval delivers high-performance, patient-centric imaging systems, as exemplified by our unique 74cm oval-bore and widest 1.5T table. FujiFilm CT-unlimited tube coverage Supria True64 & SupriaPlus 32-75cm wide aperture & 500 lbs table weight capacity provide an ideal combination of enhanced patient access, image quality, and dose reduction. FujiFilm C-Arm Persona CS 5kW onboard generator provides more than twice the power of typical compact c-arms. Viewing monitors integrated on the imaging unit. Dedicated Vascular, Ortho & Pain Management imaging profiles. 22MS5926 15 henryschein.com/medicalhttp://www.henryschein.com/medical