IMPLANTS Premill Blanks incl. abutment screw Internal Hex MI MIS® Seven Implants Conic Anyr Megagen® Anyridge Implants Conic Dent Dentium Superline™ Implantium® Ø10 mm Ø14 mm Ti 10mm ....................................................... Ea. Ti 14mm ....................................................... Ea. CoCr 14mm ................................................. Ea. SP (standard) 61.017 139-5237 71.017 139-5243 WP (wide) 61.018 139-5239 71.018 139-5244 WP Ø10 mm Ø14 mm RP (3.8) Ø10 mm Ø14 mm 61.057 139-4823 71.057 270-0655 15 mm L 40 mm 73.020 15 mm L 40 mm 73.040 63.020 63.040 Our patented surface enhancement treatment improves retention up to 500%. SelectGrip® is a special sandblasted treatment which provides a considerable improvement in retention levels of cemented prosthesis. Applied for both abutments and Ti-bases, the adhesion to the final cemented prosthesis improves significantly. This graph shows the average pressure supported before the joint between the ZrN sleeve and titanium tibase breaks. Maximum Load Supported (N) 1000 800 500 200 NO TI-Base *Comparison between two different sets of titanium abutments and titanium bases cemented to a standard ZrN sleeve. The cement used for the test was Multilink Hybrid Abutment from Ivoclar Vivadent®. The importance of a factory treatment: In-house sandblasting not only means more chair time, but if it's not done properly (below the collar), this can increase the chances of gingivitis. SelectGrip® In house SHOP NOW! 310 To order, visit: 21ZC7813