seamless chroma shade gradient SPECIAL OFFER BUILT-IN ESTHETIC EXCELLENCE * No charge disc must be A2/A3 Zolid FX Multilayer 98 mm or 71 mm x 16 mm disc. Shipped with order. multilayer ML Starter kit (71 or 98 mm) + Artex CN AT NO CHARGE PLUS: Receive 1 hour Artex Articulator online training with this offer Call Zahn Dental at 800.496.9500 to order. 12 Get the Ceramill Zolid FX ML 71 mm Starter Kit* & get one Artex CN at no cost (MSRP: $449) Shipped with order. Get the Ceramill Zolid FX ML 98 mm Starter Kit* & get one Artex CN* at no cost (MSRP: $449) Shipped with order. Package Price: $ 755 Package Price: $ 835 (MSRP: $ 1,204) (MSRP: $ 1,284) * Art. No. 71 mm Kit: 1258856 | Art. No. 98 mm Kit: 1258857 Each Kit includes: 4 x 16 mm blanks (0/A1, A2/A3, 0/B1, B2/B3) | Art. No. Artex CN: 2883239 Zahn: * CAP: * CMC: Dental Inpuls, Croatia 4+1 BUY ANY 4 CERAMILL ZIRCONIA DISCS, GET 1 ZOLID FX MULTILAYER DISC AT NO COST*