DME Files Now Available for Exocad! Buy 3 Titanium Abutment Bases, Get 1 Titanium Base* Buy Any 3-5pk. Analogs, Get 1* Restorative components that maintain the highest level of quality. Zirlux® Prosthetic Components are compatible with the following implant restorative platforms: * BIOMET 3i™ * Zimmer * CAMLOG® * Nobel Biocare * DENTSPLY * Straumann® Zirlux® Implant Analogs To learn more about all of the Zirlux Prosthetic Components visit: or call Zahn Dental at 800.496.9500. *Ships with order. Titanium abutments are available in 4.5mm and 6mm heights. #iamtypez Discover why Zirlux is right for you. To Order Call: 1.800.496.9500 Zirlux® Titanium Abutments 7