Sutures PDS II Material: n Polydioxanone n Synthetic Monofilament Features: n Easy to handle and tie n Low tissue reaction Wound support time: n 90 days Tensile Strength: n 60% - 2 weeks n 40% - 4 weeks n 35% - 6 weeks Absorption: n Absorbed by 90-120 days n Absorbed by slow hydrolysis Pack of 36 5/0 19mm FS2 3/8 circle reverse cut JJ-Z421H ..........................................$683.65 Vicryl Rapide Material: n Polyglactin 910 n Copolymer of: glycolide (glycolic acid) and L lactide (lactic acid) n Synthetic Multifilament Features: n Rapid absorption rate n Predictable absorption n Superficial closure of skin and mucosa n Minimal tissue reactions n Good handling & knotting n Easy knot adjustment n As strong as silk initially n Superior patient comfort n Smooth passage through tissue n Minimises multifilament problems n No foreign body after 6 weeks Wound support time: n 10 days Tensile Strength: n 50% - 5 days n 0% - 10 days Absorption: n Absorbed by 42 days n Absorbed by slow hydrolysis 848 Pack of 12 2/0 26mm SH 1.5 circle taper point 2/0 36mm CT1 1/2 circle taper point 3/0 19mm 3/8 circle reverse cut 3/0 19mm PS2 3/8 circle reverse cut 3/0 22mm P needle 1/2 circle 4/0 13mm P3 3/8 circle point reverse cut 4/0 16mm PC3 3/8 circle conventional cut 4/0 17mm RB1 1/2 circle taper point 4/0 19mm P needle 1/2 circle Pack of 36 2/0 19mm CP1 1/2 circle taper point 2/0 26mm SH 1/2 circle taper point 2/0 36mm V34 1/2 circle taper point reverse cut 3/0 24mm PS1 3/8 circle reverse cut 3/0 26mm SH 1/2 circle taper point 4/0 13mm P3 3/8 circle reverse cut 4/0 19mm PS2 3/8 circle reverse cut 45cm 4/0 19mm PS2 3/8 circle reverse cut 75cm 5/0 11mm P1 3/8 circle reverse cut 5/0 13mm P3 3/8 circle reverse cut JJ-VR417 ........................................................$146.85 JJ-V9450H ....................................................$450.95 JJ-W9923 ......................................................$308.55 JJ-MPVR4970H ..........................................$795.85 JJ-W9927 ......................................................$292.55 JJ-VR494 ........................................................$298.05 JJ-W9918 ......................................................$310.15 JJ-W9970 ......................................................$188.05 JJ-W9922 ......................................................$313.45 JJ-VC532H ....................................................$859.65 JJ-V4170H ....................................................$461.45 JJ-W9962 ......................................................$256.25 JJ-MPVR9360H ..........................................$769.95 JJ-V4160H ....................................................$471.85 JJ-MPVR4940H ..........................................$920.65 JJ-MPVR4260H ..........................................$861.25 JJ-MPVR4960H ..........................................$776.55 JJ-MPVR9915H .......................................$1062.05 JJ-MPVR4930H ..........................................$984.45 Prices are subject to change without notice.