X-Ray Easy upgrades Any existing film or digital Planmeca ProMax unit can be easily upgraded to Planmeca ProMax 3D or Planmeca ProMax 3D s unit. New imaging programs can be added with software upgrades ensuring superior maxillofacial radiographs every time and complying with future imaging needs. Film based Planmeca ProMax units can be digitised with Planmeca Dimax sensor systems. Planmeca ProModel Planmeca ProModel is a patient-specific physical model for high-end maxillofacial operations and dental surgery. It is created directly from the acquired Planmeca ProMax 3D volume with high-end manufacturing technologies. By reproducing the anatomy of the patient in real-size, Planmeca ProModel makes the work of dental professionals more straightforward Facilitates preoperative planning ■ Turns the virtual 3D image into a physical, hand-held model, making the anatomy of the patient concrete. ■ Enables to measure distances, bend reconstruction plates and design drill guides prior to operation. ■ Features several colouring options which maximise the informative value the model offers. ■ Easy to use when explaining the problem to the patient or when discussing a case with colleagues. ■ Beneficial in advanced implantology as well as in maxillofacial surgery Planmeca ProModel is an identical replica of the patient's anatomy allowing for the practitioner to familiarise with the case before the actual operation. Using the model the practitioner can: ■ design drill guides 884 visualise implantation ■ www.henryschein.com.au ■ plan implant placement ■ measure bone thickness and distances ■ utilise colours to visualise regions of interest such as tumours ■ show and discuss the case with the patient and colleagues ■ extend the use of the model from planning to education and training. Contributes to significantly better results ■ Careful preoperative planning decreases actual operation with 1–2 hours and reduces need for postoperative intensive care. Prices are subject to change without notice.http://www.henryschein.com.au