Cements & Liners G-Coat PLUS Riva Protect GC Nano-filled self adhesive light cured protective coating for lamination strengthening and aesthetic enhancement of glass ionomer cement, composite resin and temporary restorations. G-COAT PLUS is the liquid polish that gives composite restorations a beautiful gloss surface with enhanced wear resistance and extra protection for margins. 1 x 4ml bottle, 50 x micro tips, 1 x micro applicator, 20 x disposable dispensing dishes. GC-GCOATPLUS Isodan Septodont SDI A high fluoride releasing glass ionomer cement designed for surface protection, sealing and caries stabilization of newly-erupted or caries challenged dentition. ■ ■ Pink or white shade Now available in Fast Set 50 Capsules Regular set Pink Fast set Pink Regular set White (Bleach) Fast set White (Bleach) SD-8680000 SD-8685000 SD-8690000 SD-8695000 Conditioners Cavity Conditioner ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ GC For Treatment of hypersensitive dentine Applied to sensitive necks of teeth to seal and desensitize Can be used to seal any exposed dentine surfaces or cavities Ideal to seal crown preps 5-10 min application in surgery completes treatment. Contains sodium fluoride which reinforces enamel/dentine barrier 5ml bottle with applicator brushes Optiguard SP-4093 Kerr A mild 20% polyacrylic acid with 3% aluminium chloride applied for 10 seconds to both dentin and enamel prior to placement of glass ionomer cement. Effective at removing both dentin and enamel smear layers. 5.7ml Liquid GC-B5220000 www.henryschein.com.au Dentin Conditioner 216 OptiGuard is a fluoride releasing composite surface sealant. It is an unfilled, light-cured resin material. OptiGuard's purpose is to fill and strengthen the composite surface after finishing. High-speed finishing techniques often create cracks and pits on the restored surface and OptiGuard fills these areas with a hardened resin, thus guarding against premature wear and staining. Surface Sealant 5ml bottle KE-25880 GC Blue coloured 10% polyacrylic acid solution for enhancing ionic bonding of glass ionomer cement to dentine and enamel simultaneously removing the dentine smear layer. Liquid 25g GC-5040518http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/GC-GCOATPLUS/GCOAT-PLUS-4ml-Bottle-Protective-Coat http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/SD-8680000/RIVA-Protect-Pink-Box-of-50-capsules http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/SD-8685000/RIVA-Protect-Pink-Fast-Box-of-50-capsules http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/SD-8690000/RIVA-Protect-White-Box-of-50-capsules http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/SD-8695000/RIVA-Protect-White-Fast-Box-of-50-capsules http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/SP-4093/ISODAN-5ml-Bottle-Treatment-of-Hypersensitive-Dentine http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/GC-B5220000/CAVITY-CONDITIONER-5~7ml-20-Polyacrylic http://www.henryschein.com.au http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/KE-25880/OPTIGUARD-5ml-Bottle-Surface-Sealant-for-Composite http://www.henryschein.com.au//Product/GC-5040518/DENTIN-CONDITIONER-Liq-23~8ml-Bottle-10-Polyacrylic-Acid