Implants, Bone Regeneration & Oral Surgery Bone Regeneration Material BioHorizons Biologics MinerOss Cortical & Cancellous Chips MinerOss Cortical & Cancellous Chips is a mixture of allograft mineralized cortical and cancellous chips. The cancellous and cortical blend forms an osteoconductive scaffold providing volume enhancement and effective site development for successful dental implant placement. (Particle size ranges from 600-1250 microns) ■ Facilitates bone formation through retention of natural osteoconductive properties ■ Provides the advantage of having the combination of cortical and cancellous chips in one vial ■ The mixture of cortical and cancellous chips provides limited stability and space maintaining properties during the bone remodeling process Applications include2 ■ Ridge and sinus augmentation ■ Socket grafting ■ Periodontal defects ■ Grafting for implant placement ■ Composite grafting with Grafton DBM ordering information BH1-MO-C0.5 BH1-MO-C1.0 BH1-MO-C2.5 Cortical chips provide structure for space maintenance. 446 Cancellous chips have increased surface area for bone forming cells to deposit. 0.5cc Vial 1.0cc Vial 2.5cc Vial