Instruments Utility Ultra Slim Weingart Slim Weingart Pliers Versatile utility pliers with serrations. HF-678-501 HF-678-202 How Pliers Utility Slim Hammerhead NiTi How utility pliers have serrated tips. Useful for placement and removal of archwires, pins and other auxillaries. HF-678-203 How Pliers, Offset HF-678-502 Utility Slim Band Remover Similar to the straight How pliers, except tips are angled at 40° for accessing lingual and other hard to reach areas. HF-678-204 Adhesive Removing Pliers HF-678-503 Wire Forming Distal Cinch Back Hand HF-678-506 Reversible, replaceable blade is used to remove the bulk of composite material after debonding attachments. HF-678-206 Posterior Band Removing Pliers, Long Weingart Pliers The alignment of the tip and occlusal pad is well suited HF-678-207 Versatile utility pliers with serrations. Tapered and angled at 32° for placement and removal of archwires. HF-678-201 593