GENER A L D EN T I S T RY Swiss Dental Academy: Periodontal Therapy and Implant Maintenance Presented by Dr Meredith Owen & Tabitha Acret 5.5 CPD HOURS LECTURE AND HANDS-ON WORKSHOP This CPD Masterclass is designed to provide dentists and hygienists with the most current, comfortable and economical techniques available for periodontal and implant maintenance. The emphasis will be on diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical management. You'll also develop relevant clinical skills during the hands-on session of the class trialing air polishing and ultrasonic devices on simulation models. The aims of the course are to: NORTHERN TERRITORY Saturday, 2 September 2017 Mantra on the Esplanade 88 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800 9AM-3PM * * * * Further your understanding of the role of biofilm in periodontal disease susceptibility * * Understand the importance of implant maintenance * Discover Guided Biofilm Therapy and learn why it's the future of standard care. Examine current periodontal disease classifications and how to assess the CAL Gain a comprehensive overview of clinical treatment protocols - non-surgical and surgical Improve/sharpen your understanding of antiseptics (which one to use?) and antibiotics (when to prescribe?) Peri-mucositis and peri-implantits: how to distinguish between them, when to treat, when to refer and how best to prevent them COST: $550 ONLINE REGISTRATION Registration enquiries: 1300 302 421 OR EMAIL *Terms and Conditions Apply 6 HENRY SCHEIN HALAS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM