E V E RY D AY E S S E N T I A L S dental DAM Stabilizing Cord WEDJETS Alternative to conventional clamp method of securing dental dam Eliminates tedious clamp selection, application and trauma. Latex available in 3 sizes and non-latex in 2 sizes. Latex sizes Extra Small (Blue), Small (Yellow), Large (Orange) Non-Latex Small (Lime) Large (Aqua Blue) SAVE 10% Dental Dam Kit Contains: 152 x 152 mm Dam - Green med, 36 sheets 152 mm Plastic frame H01414 Fiesta 9 winged colour coded clamp pak $750 6" Template Wedjets Cord (small) Dental dam punch Dental dam forceps Punch AO-3032 17cm SAVE $220.50 15% Rubber Dam Clamp Forceps HF-RDF Rubber Dam Forceps 6-1/2" (17cm) WAS $220.35 NOW SAVE 15% $187.30 Rubber Dam Clamp Frames HF-RDCF5 HF-RDAF6 WAS 48 Rubber Dam Frame Child 5" (13cm) Rubber Dam Frame Adult 6" (15cm) $55.70 NOW SAVE 15% $47.35 M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.auhttp://henryschein.com.au