3 REASONS TO USE 1 Avoid (unnecessary1) Endo Biodentine keeps the pulp vital in deep cavities and pulp exposures by creating a protective layer for the pulp under composite restorations. * * * Biodentine triggers pulp cell differentiation2 Biodentine helps build the dentin bridge3 Biodentine reduces the risk of secondary caries due to outstanding leakage resistance 1. In case of irreversible pulp inflammation, the root canal treatment needs to be performed 2. About Int Endod J. 2012 May; 45(5):439:48 3. Nowincka J Endod 2013 Jun; 39(6):743-7 2 Get rid of Post-Op Pain Biodentine™ Biodentine Virtually eliminates Post-Op Pain4 by creating a tight seal within the dentin tubules. * * * * Biocompatible, high purity calcium silicate: low risk of tissue reaction Mineral tags tightly seal the dentin tubules network No shrinkage and related shrinkage stress on the tooth because of its resin-free formulation The final composite is bonded to Biodentine to ensure minimal risk of post-operative sensitivity Dentin 4. Koubi et al. Clin Or Investig. 2013 Jan;17(1): 243-9 3 Make your job Simpler and Faster Only one material for Dentin Bulk replacement as Biodentine exhibits no depth of cure limitation. * * * Biodentine™ placement is easier and faster as the material is placed in one single increment You bond the composite to finish the full restoration in the same session Biodentine™ reduces your inventory $239 Box of 15 capsules Buy a box of Biodentine and pay only $99 for the Mixer! (First 20 Customers only!) 18 M AY 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.a uhttp://henryschein.com.au