Measurement & Preparation Canal Prep EDTA HALAS HALAS 15% Solution assist in the debridement and cleaning of root canals. Made in Switzerland With 15% EDTA activity. Hypochlorite 1% Solution HALAS Stabilised and standardised solution aids in the chemical breakdown of pulp soft tissue. 1.25L bottle $17.50 PRIVILEGES PRICE 20g jar $32 .50 PRIVILEGES PRICE $29.95 $18.80 500ml $29.20 1.25L $63 CanalPro EDTA CanalPro Coloured Syringes 17% EDTA solution (pH 8.5) Root Canal Irrigation * Removes smear layer and dentin mud * Opens dentin tubules for: 10ml Box of 50 * Disinfection solutions (e.g. alcohol) to work better Better adhesion of sealers and obturation materials $35.70 * 5ml Box of 50 $23.16 480ml $92 CanalPro NaOCL EXTRA 6% * * * Helps increase safety and minimize the chance of syringe swap * Latex-Free, color-coded syringes * Standard luer lock style CanalPro NaOCL For irrigation/debridement of root canals during and after instrumentation 2 x wetter * 2 x more digestive Available in 3% and 6% formula Better lubricity 500ml $28.71 $99 12 * J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.a u