Measurement & Preparation THE HIGH ACHIEVER IN CALCIUM HYDROXIDES! Neo MTA Dental Cement Calmix S! OXIDE * * * * Ideal treatment for pulpotomies, direct and indirect pulp capping, and apexification Quickly wash-out resistant, non-staining, radiopaque formulation BioActive and non-toxic, causes precipitation of calcium phosphate, promoting dentinal bridging Excellent Handling - Mixes to a putty-like consistency, easy to apply HYDR IUM The high achiever in calcium ALChydroxides! R IN C VE ACHIE H Better of calcium peroxide E HIG THdissolution Higher ionisation and pH achieved (CALMIX recorded >4) High pH High antimicrobial potential: Effective against E.faecalis & C. albicans Pure MTA 2.5g Powder 4.0cc Gel $297 7g Powder 10.0cc Gel R 4 x 1.5ml syringe, 5 tips + 5 micro tips $825 $98.95 R PRIVILEGES PRICE $795 Available exclusively from Trial 0.5g Dental Cement $108.90 LIAN A AUSTR Calasept Plus Syringes CALASEPT Plus 4x1.5ml Syringes 20 Needles SAVE 10% AUSTRALIAN UltraCalINNOVATIO UltraCal Syringes 4 x 1.2ml N SAVE 10% ULT-0606 INNOVATION DR-1240100 Top Colour Paper Points Greater Taper Paper Points ROEKO Taper of 4% or 6% Cell pack sizes 20 - 45 ≥28mm RO-3448 Series Sterile cellpack box 180 points Pack of 112 Sizes 15 to 80 and assorted. $26.60 14 SAVE 15% $30 Box of 100 SAVE 15% $16.60 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.a u