RELY ON US FOR EDUCATION watch I visit I learn Hands-on h Watc With Dr. Jack Ricci EPISODE 7: "Periointegration: Its importance Professor Camile S Farah presents: for the durability of dental implants" Advances in optical adjunctive devices for visualisation and detection of oral cancer and mucosal pathology Hands-on Swiss Dental Academy presents: This hands-on workshop will allow the participant to experience autofluorescence technology first hand under guidance. Modern Prophylaxis Techniques for your Practice Learn with Professor Axel Spahr at Sydney Dental Hospital Dr Jack Ricci presents: Laser-Lok Technology For enhanced peri-implant bone and soft tissue management. Identify the most modern, gentle and cost effective techniques available for periodontal implant maintenance. Make periodontal treatments more effective. Learn more about Laser-Lok microchannels and the significant impact they are having on long-term implant aesthetics and function. Hands-on Dr Jeff Ward presents: Endodontics ... 3 Core Skills Access, Glide Path Preparation and Obturation h Watc A series of 3 short lectures designed for dentists who are already practicing rotary endodontics and would like to focus on upskilling in the these three critical areas. With Dr. Felix Wöhrle EPISODE 8: "Creating the Perfect Prosthetic Workflow" For more CPD and Events Visit 30 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.a u