SURGICAL NE&W Exclusive Rights to changes reserved X.J6731.03/2017 Manufacturer of iSy® products: ALTATEC GmbH, Maybachstr. 5, 71299 Wimsheim, Germany 29.08.2017 08:40:31 Implant Starter Special 1x Surgical/Pros Kit + 4x iSy Implants Sets Complete iSy Implant Set This is iSy 11 ✱ $1495 vs. The clearly structured iSy Surgical and prosthetic set provides room for the most important instruments for inserting iSy Implants and for prosthetic restoration. With iSy, the super lean processes already start when ordering, as all parts necessary for initial restoration are included in one pack. Cerec User Implants + Blocks Special 5 x iSy Implant Packs + CEREC CAD/CAM Block Pack from either VITA (Enamic) or GC (Cerasmart) for $1278 $395 per unit X.J6731.03-2017_iSy_Brochure_Product_A5_EN.indd 2-3 1 Marking the drilling site with the round bur 36 2 3 Pre-drilling the implant bed with the pilot drill Drilling the final implant bed with the single patient form drill 4 J A N / FE B iSy drilling protocol: to the final prepared implant bed in only two depth drillings. Placing the implant 2 0 1 8 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.a u