ORTHODONTICS 1300 656 045 Call Toll Free Stainless Steel Bands Accessories Transbond™ Plus Light Cure Band Adhesive Kit SAVE Contains 5 ea. syringe (4g each) 2 boxes disposable tips (box of 25) * Single paste for easy dispensing * Blue colour for initial and final clean-up * No-mix band adhesive 20% Unitek™ Multi-Cure Glass Ionomer Band Cement Kit Contains 35 g powder, 25 g liquid, 1 dispensing spoon, 2 mixing pads 3" x 2½" * Light cure or self cure * Blue tint for easy initial clean-up * Achieve adequate initial strength with light application * Band under moist conditions * * * * * d on t B et ec ck er Dir Bra old 12 H 8-2 67 No Latex, 100/pk Pre-banding separators Three sizes Thermal sensitive Optimal effect when not over-stretched beyond: S1 Inches .140 - Anterior green colour S2 Inches .175 - Posterior blue colour SX Inches .190 - Posterior dusky blue colour radio opaque ip r t T he or us Sh d P aler n c Ba S PS2 PS1 B sB e of er a e th end ush m pt Sa xce king d p e or ban er. w e ort h sh nd er t t a B sh r en is m nt Pu cale ru e S S1 st em BP e in plac of il p at d u . rs an an ent Ve r b cle em fo nd d c a an ip b tT e or nd m t Sh Ba her S sa cep s e Pu 300 th 0 ex d is n BP 0S is P30 g e B 0 3 e kin BP s th wor . a e ter th or nd r sh Ba she Pu . 0 in d 0 3 s nd an BP aid nt a of b 00 me g 3 in BP lace ish p urn b S Modules (Separators) Sin gle d En Molar Band Seater H 1 1 Features a hardened, cobalt-based alloy tip embedded in a molded handle which serves as a bite stick. The serrated, triangular tip allows better interproximal access with a positive grip. BP300s Short Tip Band Pusher HU-FRIEDY A comprehensive and intensive practical program covering the technical modification of dental and facial development of orthodontic patients. Sessions held in Sydney. Visit www.adacpd.com.au for more information. E M H A N D IN S T R U Vital Orthodontics for Dentists 2018 Presented by Dr Eric B. Lowenhaupt (USA) N T S Aids in placement and burnishing of band. REGISTER NOW! Contact ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development on 1800 737 346 or admin@adacpd.com.au 7/09/2016 1:35 pm CPD Ortho Courses in 2017 Banner.indd 1 Henry Schein Halas is an authorised distributor of 3M Unitek Orthodontic Products, limited to General Practitioners. Orders 1 3 0 0 6 5 8 8 2 2 47http://www.adacpd.com.au