Neutrafluor 5000 Toothpaste SAVE Toothpaste 56g * * * * 10% Generalised Sensitivity Demineralisation Single Pack .01 High caries risk $9 Root exposure/caries Neutrafluor 5000 Sensitive Paste Potassium Nitrate for effective sensitivity relief * * * Great mild mint flavour Mild cleaning system with low level abrasion Helps protect exposed root surfaces from decay 115g SAVE 10% Pack of 12 .65 $138 Savacol Rinse SAVE 10% 26 Preoperative Original, Freshmint Alcohol Free $44.06 $24.61 $36.91 3L Bottle with Pump M A R C H / A P R I L 300 ml 4 Bottles 2 0 1 8 300 ml 6 Bottles w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.au