Luxatemp ~ Fluorescence For superior NATURAL aesthetics Perfect Temporaries. For more than 20 years! * * * * * * Natural fluorescence in six shades Low polymerization shrinkage High fracture and abrasion resistance Outstanding colour stability Low allergy potential Suited for long-term temporaries $176 SAVE 15% 76g Cart Honigum Light Honigum Heavy High precision correction - impression material Innovative pre-impression material * * * * * Excellent flow properties Extraordinary stability Balanced hydrophilicity Registers even the finest details Available in two Automix cartridges: 25 ml and 50 ml Honigum-Light is an innovative correction-impression material combining excellent flow properties with exceptional stability. As a light-bodied material Honigum-Light is well suited for correction and double mixing impressions and can be combined with Honigum-Heavy or the Honigum-Putty materials. 4 x 25ml 28 $99 2 x 50ml * * * * * Exceptionally high final hardness Optimal resistance when positioned Excellent fixation characteristics Trouble-free and safe removal Invariably homogeneous, bubble-free material quality 2 x 50ml $91 $99 M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 8 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.au