Scanning Emerald Intraoral Scanner Precious things come in small packages Planmeca Emerald ™ The crown jewel of intraoral scanning The brand new intraoral scanner Planmeca Emerald™ is a small, lightweight, and exceedingly fast scanner with superior accuracy. Taking digital impressions has never been as easy. It is the perfect tool for smooth and efficient chairside workflow. Superior accuracy with outstanding speed Scanning is extremely fast and easy making the experience comfortable for the patient and doctor alike. The accuracy of the impressions meets the most demanding imaging needs with a fully integrated colour scanning option. Small and lightweight design The lightweight structure and user-friendly form of the scanner ensure optimal ergonomics. With the active antifog feature of the scanner's tip mirror, visibility is always clear. The compact size and seamless design of the scanner guarantee a great patient experience. Exceptional ease-of-use Impeccable infection control The Planmeca Emerald makes workdays smooth and efficient with fast and accurate digital impressions. Easy and simple plug-and-play solution. The scanner is compatible with Planmeca Romexis® and Planmeca PlanCAD® Easy software suites. Impeccable infection control is guaranteed with the autoclavable tip and seamless design of the scanner. The dental unit integration enables hands-free operation with the foot control. Orders 1 3 0 0 6 5 8 8 2 2 Only 183 grams! 29