STERI SOLUTIONS Cleaning and Sterilisation in your practice Cleaning and Disinfection Within the Washer Disinfector chamber there are different spray conditions caused by channels with different flow through characteristics and dimensions. Pre-cleaning - optimal cleaning the instruments are first rinsed off with cold water since 80% of all protein contamination are water-soluble and will be washed off. Cleaning - All components of a cleaning process have to be optimized to get a proper cleaning result. Monitoring of the Cleaning Processes If designed and validated in an optimal way, it assures that the cleaning processes work. Cleaning indicators used in each batch are designed to simulate different washoff characteristics. Level 2 Green or Level 3 Blue Pack of 160 Holder Orange $394 $29 Test sheets for Ultrasonic Cleaning Baths - gke offers test sheets with clip holder * test sheet should be immerged in fluids vertically or horizontally to check the different intensity of the mechanical force inside the volume of the liquid. * use the test sheets at least once a day in every program Or it is recommended to monitor each batch where loads are difficult to clean. Level 2 Green or Level 3 Blue Pack of 40 Stand 7cm $369 $79.95 Sterilisation Monitoring * * * PCD Monitoring System for B Type Pre Vacuum Steam Sterilisers is used to monitor the empty chamber, known as a Bowie Dick test. The PCD is then used in each load for continued routine monitoring of the vacuum pump. Handpieces and Burs due to their hollow design require routine monitoring to ensure an internal Sterility Assurance Level. In accordance with the relevant Standards for monitoring with a PCD, a Class 2 Indicator shall be used. gke's PCD has a unique stainless steel helix, simulating the conditions within hollow dental instruments gke's Dental Devices are capable of monitoring up to 10,000 cycles $429 Yellow device Class 2 Indicators Box of 250 SAVE 10 % Box of 500 $599 $899 Documentation Manual documentation system - gke labelling device is used for batch patient related tracability (content including production and expiry date, batch number and responsible person). After opening the sterile pack in the operation room the label can be removed off the package and adhered into the patient file. Alphanumeric Labelling Device Labels 800 per roll (Green, Blue, Red and Yellow) Orders $449 $72.40 1 3 0 0 6 5 8 8 2 2 45