INSTRUMENT SOLUTIONS ASAlady AsaLady The first line of instruments designed especially for female dental professionals. 10-12% smaller grips and with grip points remodeled based on the average size of female hands. Work more naturally, accurately and safely 22 Dental Dam Forceps Dental Dam Punch Haemostatic Forceps Ivory Lightweight 17cm Ainsworth 17cm Halstead-Mosquito Curved 12cm AO-3035 AO-3036 AO-0502-2 $137.50 $256.90 $75.95 Needle Holder Scissors Probe Perio Williams Explorer Doubled Ended Crille Wood 15cm Gum Curved 12cm Crille Wood 15cm Crille Wood 15cm AO-0411-15 AO-0319-2 AQ-ML0703-14 $148.50 $50 $38.50 M AY 2 0 1 8 AO-ML0704-2301 $26.96 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.a u