Program at-a-glance 10th INTERNATIONAL QUINTESSENCE SYMPOSIUM ON PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY New Frontiers of Aesthetic Excellence Successfully Integrating the Best of Traditional & Digital Dentistry Pre-Symposium: Thursday 11 October 2018 8.00am Registration Welcome - Scientific Chairman Laurence Walsh 8.45 - Immediate Tooth Replacement Therapy with Multiple Implants, Teeth, and Pontics in the Aesthetic Zone Stephen J Chu 4.00 Implant Placement Depth and Selection of Prosthetic Materials - Is there a connection? Tomas Linkevicius Simplification in Implant Dentistry Anthony Mak DAY 1: Friday 12 October 2018 7.30am 8.00 1.00 Registration Welcome - Scientific Chairman Laurence Walsh Integrating the Fundamental Concepts for Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry Douglas A Terry Periodontal Regeneration - Modern Techniques, Prognosis, Case Selection and Future Concepts Axel Sphar Coffee & Exhibition Refuel yourself and view the Latest Technology and Innovation In Dentistry Bonded Aesthetic Restorations in the Anterior Dentition- Contemporary minimal intervention concepts in utilising direct and indirect techniques for maximum aesthetic results Anthony Mak Zero Bone Loss Concepts - The development and maintenance of bone stability around implants. Evidence-based clinical guide Tomas Linkevicius Lunch & Exhibition Refuel for the afternoon sessions and take some time to check out our exhibition space 1.30 - Creating a Seamless Transition between Implants and Natural Teeth in the Anterior Zone Victor Clavijo 6.00 Assessing Digital Dentistry from an Analog Perspective - Why Should I Change? Chee W Chang Afternoon Refreshments & Exhibition Refuel yourself and view the Latest Technology and Innovation In Dentistry Immediate Tooth Replacement Therapy with Single Tooth Implants with and without Dentoalveolar Defects Stephen J Chu DAY 2: Saturday 13 October 2018 7.30am 8.20 1.00 Exhibition Open Introduction Christopher C K Ho Aesthetics and Function with High Technology Systems Paulo Kano Digital Restoration of Worn Teeth - Ensuring an Evidence Based Approach in the Digital Age Rupert S Austin Coffee & Exhibition Refuel yourself and view the Latest Technology and Innovation In Dentistry Immediate Versus Delayed Implant Placement - the right timing for Implants in the Aesthetic Zone Arndt Happe I ven K lin e be rg K e y N o te Spe a k e r The Additive Approach to Complex Rehabilitations: Digital Workflow meets the Art and Science of Dentistry Christopher C K Ho Lunch & Exhibition Refuel for the afternoon sessions and take some time to check out our Exhibition Space 1.30 - Indirect Bonded Partial Restorations in the Posterior Region - New Concepts Marleen Peumans 6.00 Clinical Tips for Successful Bonding from Etching to Light Curing Lorenzo Breschi Afternoon Refreshments & Exhibition Refuel yourself and view the Latest Technology and Innovation In Dentistry The Traveling Oral Microbiome - An Overview Wenche S Borgnakke DAY 3: Sunday 14 October 2018 Full Day Workshops 8.30 - 5.30 Composite and Ceramics: Layer, Prep, Scan and Bond - Restorative Solutions for 2 commonly encountered clinical Scenarios Marleen Peumans, Immediate Tooth Replacement Therapy to Enhance Aesthetic Outcomes Stephen J Chu Zero Bone Loss Concepts: The development and maintenance of bone stability around implants. Tomas Linkevicius Adhesive Design using the Inverse Injection Composite Layering Technique Douglas Terry Anthony Mak Half Day Morning Workshops 8.30 - 12.30 Immediate Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Managing Hard and Soft Tissues for Predictable Aesthetic Results Arndt Happe Systemic Effects of the Traveling Oral Microbiome: An Interactive Presentation Wenche S Borgnakke Half Day Afternoon Workshops 1.30 - 5.30 Digital Treatment Planning for Restoratively Driven Implant Dentistry Rupert S Austin Deborah Bomfim Motivational O r d e Mockup r s 1 - 3The0SKIN 0 (Cllones) 6 5 8Concept 8 2 2 Paulo Kano 5