In addition to the universal shades, five additional shades are available for demanding cases and for customising aesthetics. This allows for a harmonious result in even the most complex of cases. Brilliant Everglow Universal Composite The translucent shades imitate particularly pronounced enamel areas whereas the three opaque shades lay the foundation for heavily discoloured teeth or amalgam tattoos. THE FLEXIBLE SYSTEM FOR EVEN THE MOST COMPLEX OF CASES In addition to the universal shades, five additional shades are available for demanding cases and for customising aesthetics. This allows for a harmonious result in even the most complex of cases. Single-colour Single-colour restorations Universal shade + restorations translucent covering layer 2 Translucent Shades For the individual characterisation of particularly translucent enamel Syringes $80 Tips The translucent shades imitate particularly pronounced enamel areas whereas the three opaque shades lay the foundation for heavily discoloured teeth or amalgam tattoos. Universal shade + Opaque shade translucent covering layer+ universal shade Opaque shade + universal shade Opaque shade + Opaqueuniversal shade shade++ translucent covering layer universal shade + translucent covering layer 3 Opaque Shades For masking chroma deviations and amalgam tattoos RECOMMENDATIONS ON SHADE COMBINATIONS $90 Buy 2 - Trade 2 - Get 2 FREE!* *Traded stock must be competitor product in date, with approx. 25% material Bleach remaining. FREE Shades are A2/B2 and A3/B3 only and Bonus is WSL. Translucent (BL Trans) *No back orders on Bonus. BRILLIANT Crios * * * * * Opaque Bleach (OBL) Translucent (Trans) Opaque A1 (OA1) Opaque A3 (OA3) 2 TRANSLUCENT SHADES 3 OPAQUE SHADES * For the individual characterisation of particularly translucent enamel * For masking chroma deviations and amalgam tattoos Reinforced composite, high flexural strength for resistant restorations Tooth-like modulus of elasticity for a shock-absorbing effect Bleach High wear resistance and Translucent low abrasion on antagonist Translucent Opaque Bleach (OBL) (Trans) (BL Trans) Ease of modification and repair Opaque A1 (OA1) Opaque A3 (OA3) Effortless polishing ensuring a high gloss quickly and easily 2 TRANSLUCENT SHADES BRILLIANT Crios * For the individual CEREC/inLab 3 OPAQUE SHADES SAVE characterisationEOFY of particularly SPECIAL 15% translucent enamel Pack of 5, Low or High Translucent 32 JUNE 2018 * For masking chroma deviations and amalgam Secure bonding $176.95 with ONE COAT 7 Size 12 or tattoos 14 UNIVERSAL Orders 1300 65 88 22