INSTRUMENT SOLUTIONS 4 ZOBE the experience What is Z.O.B.E.? Zirc's Organizational Box of Efficiency (Z.O.B.E.) A 100% complimentary service from Henry Schein Halas The Z.O.B.E. experience offers a product demonstration with more than 25 of Zirc's Colour Coding products. All you need to do is contact your HSH Territory Manager and a Z.O.B.E. will be send/brought to you for demonstration. You can physically examine the products and decide what suits your practice. After a week your Territory Manager will contact you and arrange for return. * oring the products to do is contact your HSH Territory Manager be sent/brought to you for demonstration. Additional Resources *for demo/viewing only Efficiency eBook Breakthrough Case Study Z.O.B.E. SAVE 15% 16 color options available Cools rapidly out of autoclave Lower prices 36 than stainless *This is for demonstration purposes only. *Product is returned at HSH cost. *Limited stock available. less clank... more cha-ching! JUNE 2018 Orders 1300 65 88 22