D I G I TA L I M P L A N T O L O G Y Appointment 1 - The Consultation and Treatment Planning The Pre-Operative presentation Failing lower dentition that was heavily restored with metal ceramic crowns on the anterior segment, and implant to teeth bridge on the posterior segment. The Pre-Operative Scan Intra-Oral scanning of the full arch. Virtual extractions and BioHorizons implant fixture planning on 3-Shape Implant Studio using the BioHorizons digital library. Virtual extractions for digital implant planning The teeth was virtually extracted on the implant planning software, leaving behind the 47 and 37 implant prosthesis. These crowns will act as reference points, stability anchors for the implant surgical guide. By maintaining the distal abutment implant prosthesis, we will also maintain the occlusion and VDO. Distal implants left in situ. Still very well integrated and good to maintain occlusion and VDO. Also will be using the abutment crowns as locators for the surgical implant guide as they will give ideal stability. Implant Planning - Four BioHorizons Tapered Internal Implants with a guide-pin to maintain stability of 3D printed surgical guide 22 O C T O B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.auhttp://www.henryschein.com.au