D I G I TA L I M P L A N T O L O G Y Appointment 2 - The surgical appointment Sectioning of long span bridge prior to extraction of all remaining teeth. Implant surgical guide in place after full clearance and osseous crestal reduction. Immediately after surgery. BioHorizons snap on digital markers were placed and a 3 shape IOS scan was performed immediately after surgery and soft tissue closure had taken place. I find this option more accurate than planning the prosthesis at the same time as implant planning. There are tolerances that may affect passive fit in multiple implant cases. IOS scan after implant surgery. Having the ability to scan the occlusion and the scan markers in a three dimensional spatial environment allows this workflow to be much more accurate and time saving when compared to the analog workflow. 24 O C T O B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 w w w.he nry sc he i n.c om.auhttp://www.henryschein.com.au