fl.:-:~.i;:_~RO:"f,:-:¥.~:ho L:VIJNJS~54-.: ~.~ ~-~";:'::'~_~nOn~mr~GO~l'IEf~~~i=ii_;~~~~ -:- ------?-....;~--.:. ~ . i_ ..... _ W!lIIooIoy """-bot 1]110 SPill Ptbl. '3.}0 '3.00 '1.50 '2.llO' Studet, "2.50 '2.00 'U.s' '1.50 lenrWy ADDI T I ON AL R EwiADI G These articles II Nprovide additional detai Is on the University of Illinois Assembly Hall: 3 "Materials Jltvror.W __ _.. "'-bot 13110 SP.lI 'too '3.50 '2.50 'l.OO S"6!st '3.00 '2.10 'LlQ '1.00 fobl. 1Ut!. WIll. THutS. OCT. 16 OCT. 1] OCT. 11 PUBUC 'UO 'lSO '1.50 tUO U.l STU. '3.50 ~lSO IUQ SU)O Methods: Assembly Hall Li ghting," ARCHITE~TURE (April '64). "University of Illinois Spectacular," ARCHITECTURAL RECORD 71ff Sl1JJEfl' 1l:1S narIS and PROGRESSIVE (July '63). pp. 111-16. ·1 " Range of programs possible in the Assembly Hall is illustrated by box office signs of October, 1965. Marines and Borge played in the round to 16,000 seats; Poznan Choir and "Subiect was Roses" played to 3,600 seats; others used on intermediate set·up with a variety or thrust stage and 7,700 seats. Photo: University of Illinois Theatre quadrant seating and platform, shown without the mask· ing curtains. Photo: Harrison and Abramovitz february 1966 11 <:::>-http://www.SP.lI