There are 109 battens, but only thirty can be operated at one time. In order to run thirty, one selects by patching those which are to run for a particular scene change. It is very similar to a stage lighting system, where a group of dimmers is mastered. The fly system is normally operated by two men. One patches and the other operates the console. Figure 4 is a line drawing of the individual control stations which make up the console. The spot line-station is shown on the left, and there are eight such central stations. In the middle is a master control station, one of six. To the right is shown an individual control station, of which there are thirty. The individual control station can be switched to a master control, so that with one button thirty pipes can go up or down, or to their individual preset positions. Patching Panel. Operated by John Rothschild (Photo Paul Birkle) lusm May 1968 Patching Panel: Detail of Cable Interconnect (Pheto Paul Birkle) 11