with a skit budget The all new mini-MAX line of quality Electronic Dimmers by ELECTRO CONTROLS* can help you out by allowing you to spend a minimum of your budget to obtain a MAXIMUM of lighting control flexibility. Electro Controls was the first in the USA to design and build a computerized memory system expressly for the theatre. For years we have been one of the leading suppliers of manual and electronic theatre dimmer systems. Now our attention has been turned to the lowbudget stage where good quality and flexibility at a reasonable cost has been but a dream. Give us a try! We know you'll agree mini-MAX has it all! NEW - Portable Dimmer System with 6-2. 4KW dimmers. Flexible control system to provide any quantity of presets. Dimmers are well filtered. Dimmer cabinets may be stacked. Control panels interlock for stacking. NEW - Electronic Panelette provides up to 15-2.4KW dimmers with single or two scene preset operation. Costs less than equivalent manual dimmers. Dimmers, cross connect, and controls all in one cabinet. a new memory system at about the same price as a manual preset system EZ TO BUY TO LEARN TO OPERATE Flexibility designed to meet your budget! Models available to store 32, 64 or 96 preset scenes. Expansion from 32 scene up to 64 or 96 scene capacity can be provided later simply by plugging in additional printed circuit components. Designed to operate much like the scene preset board you've been working with. No need to be trained as a computer expert! EC In Canada In U.S.A. CONTROL®lIGRTIIlt:Ud ELECTRO(JfjCONTROlS,nc. 7035 Farrell Road Calgary, Alberta, Canada 4 2975 South Second West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ~ THEATRE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY DECEMBER. 1972