* APN PHOTO Fig. 7 The "Krest" Theatre, Novgorod. Variants of transformation. lar possibilities. The stage of the theatre has been designed on the basis of the traditional gridiron stage but with greater possibilities for movement and transformation (Fig. 8). The scenographic solution of this design is permeated with the idea of "universal movement", for the realization of which the special vehicles carrying scenic elements can move about the stage in different directions. The usual arrangement of "stage - two 'pockets' - rear of stage"3 is supplemented by diagonal "pockets" situated at an angle of 45 0 to the central axis of the stage. Thus from the direct "pockets" stage vehicles can be rolled out with elements of the scenery corresponding in size to the lifting and sinking platforms of the stage; from the rear stage a vehicle with a rotating ring can be rolled out and from the diagonal "pockets", vehicles for moving on this ring. The portal opening of the stage is 137.5 feet. The per- 24 ~ formance can go on both in the central part of the opening and on its sides during a panoramic surrounding of the hall (F ig. 1). The examples cited above are but part of the work in the search for new forms of scenic space conducted in the Soviet Union by theatre directors, scene painters, scenographers and architects. * Notes 1 This article does not claim to give a complete elucidation of the achievements made in Soviet theatrical architecture. It only throws light upon a small part of the scenographic quests typical of certain periods in its development. 2The experimental designs of the Drama Theatre in the city of Novgorod were displayed at the competition held in Prague in 1971 where the exposition of the USS R was awarded an honorary diploma. 3"Pocket" - a term to denote special space on the sides or behind the stage for storing elements of the decor .. THEATRE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY MAY. 1973