AUTOCUE~ASTRAI:. STAGE LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM at WOLF TRAP FARM PARK, Vienna, Virginia The AUTOCUE-ASTRAL stage lighting control system at WOLF TRAP has 120 control channels with 160 cue memories in core. Each cue data cassette stores 1600 additional cues for reloading core. CRT monitors in the booth as well as portable monitors for backstage and the house simultaneously display all channel intensity values with cue numbers at all times. A teletype prints-out any or all cues at anytime. The power racks include 64 Astral 6 kw dimmers, 36 Astral 12 kw dimmers and 20 non-dim contactors. Before you specify or buy new control equipment, see the system at WOLF TRAP. Other AUTOCUE systems at Memphis State University and CBS-TV, Hollywood. L.~SK/~~~2~h;~~~~!~~,a~d~~T!!f,~ ~~~:~~~;'ION 1 ~ THEATRE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY DECEMBER. 1974 7