You can 'or8e~ eYery~hin8 you'ye read abou~ lI1lell1lory sys~ell1ls. NNS is here. Comparing MMS to ordinary memory systems for lighting control is like comparing the Bolshoi ballet to a country square dance. MMS is designed to let you harness its unique capabilities to your lighting requirements (and budget) exactly. Because MMS is based on building block units, all you do is choose the modules you need to achieve a highly sophisticated system, perfectly matched to your needs. And what a system. MMS is a precision instrument of great subtlety, dependability and capacity. It offers 80 to 360 channels of control. Incorporates an exclusive digital fader wheel thats automatically matched to the level of the circuit under control. Instant cue modification! Naturally, a system like MMS can't be explained in a single ad. We suggest you get all the details, including the surprisingly competitive price, from us. Write to Executive for Theatre Services, Strand Century Inc., 20 Bushes Lane. Elmwood Park, New Jersey 07407. Or call (201) 791-7000. STRAND CENTURY INC A COMPANY WITHIN THE RANK ORGANISAnON~ Leader in theatre lighting and controls for five decades. ~ ~ .