You can forget about lighting control when you have our Recall-100 to remember it for you. GP·2·75 Our Recall-100 has quite a memory1OO-cues worth. But you can make it as smart as you want. All you do is add optional blocks of 100 cues. Not even a power failure will make the Recall-1 00 forget cues. A nonvolatile ferrite core gives it an indelible memory. Instant access to all information in the memory may be yours with two optional systems: a high speed printer or TV display. of a new system or added to an existing one. It has the flexibility to work as part of a simple or complex system. And it's easy to operate. Take this cue to find out more about the Recall-100 and our other lighting instruments, controls and dimming systems. Contact your Hub representative or Hub Electric Company, Inc., 940 Industrial Drive, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126. Phone 312 832-5790. Another bright idea in the Recall-100 is cue insertion. This lets you record a new cue into sequence at any time without rerecording previous cues. The Recall-1 00 can be the brains nAHub Electric "'Company, Inc. A subsidiary of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation