AT LASt APROFESSIONAL LIGHTING CONTROL PACKAGE THAT IS PORTABLE AND ECONOMICAL. Master Slave Switch_--,~_ * *~ Timed Fades - - - - 4 ' - - Key Switch 2 Scene Pre-set Controllers THE CONSOLE: Rugged, Portable, Light weight, with Detachable Cover. U.L. Listed and Labeled. Thekli Mix and match. The following models are available for immediate delivery: DIMMERPACS: #2926: 9-2400 Watt Dimmers #2960: 9-6000 Watt Dimmers CONSOLES: #2890: 9 Channels 2 Scene Preset #2891 : 18 Channels 2 Scene Preset Your initial purchase may be expanded at any time by the addition of consoles and dimmerpacs. All consoles and dimmerpacs are interchangeable. 9 and 18 channel consoles will operate both 2400 watt and 6000 watt dimmerpacs. Standard output connections include U.L. configurations of stage pin, twistlock and parallel blade receptacles. c9 THE DIMMERPAC: 9 Solid State Professional Dimmers Fully Filtered, Packaged for Trouping and Complete with Necessary Circuit Breaker Protection. U.L. Listed and Labeled. For complete illustrated brochure, technical information-and name of your local stocking distributor, contact: Kliegl Bros. 32-32 48th Ave. Long Island City New York, 11101 212-786-7474 Telex: 960158 kllegl