Figure IV Old Vic 1871-1927 (drawing of proscenium by Eric Jordon based on Figure I). Figure VII Old Vic 1960-1962 1976 theatre holds 1,576, quite a few of the seats being added at the sides; (of no other major theatre in this century can it be said that with only marginal addition to the total volume has the capacity increased by fifty per cent), and 2) the 1932 theatre was well received by architects and engineers, who applauded its functional efficiency, and hated by actors who found it impossible to make real contact with the audience. Only in 1951 when the lower circle was first extended to grasp the stage did actors begin to like the theatre. But it took another twenty-five years before Shakespeare got a stage which ,can "on your imaginary forces work," rather than a cinema-like auditorium with parallel equal vision for an audience gazing into a small picture frame. Please remember that this is a theatre that has attracted the greatest English Figure V Old Vic 1928-1940 Figure VIII Old Vic 1962-1963 (photo taken in 1962). (photo taken in 1946). Figure VI Old Vic 1950-1960 (photo taken in 1962). Figure IX Old Vic 1963-1977 (photo taken in 1950). (photo taken in 1976).