The new Stran ouod Intercom System A Division of Strand Century Company Umited A Company Within the Rank Organisation 6520 Northam Drive, Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4V lH9 Tel. (416) 677-7130 Strand Sound has it-a rugged, high quality, low noise, closed circuit intercom system designed eXRre{;sly for theatre and entertainment d slries. e new Strand SOjJnd nterco ith tand tough treatment on the r ad olproof iter-connection of compo ent uick and asy setup. " ..\ 'V the main control Master Power U st nand d . he en 're system - up to 50 rem Ions per ring. The new Strand Sound Intercom is compatible with components of the major intercom system in most common use today. Belt Pack -lightweight, rugged construction specially designed to protect control switches from damage when dropped or severely knocked. Headset connector is at base of pack to keep controls clear and minimize excessive wear. Mini Power Unit-the high quality Strand Sound Intercom alternative where 5 or fewer stations are needed. The new Strand Sound Intercom-a complete system for touring or permanent installation. Lend us your ears-you'll like what you hear.